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Brendan Kirk - Rossella Fietta
Living With Incomprehension

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 • section 1 Self evaluation

Please rate yourself in response to the following statements:

    Always                                  Never
1 . I find it easy to understand Americans
2 . I find it easy to understand British people
3 . I find it easy to understand other native speakers
4 . I find it easy to understand non-native speakers of English
5 . My teacher is easier to understand than people in the 'real world'
6 . I listen to music in English a lot
7 . I make notes of words or expressions that are new to me
8 . I regularly watch/listen to CNN, the BBC etc.
9 . I regularly watch DVDs in English
10 . In telephone and conference calls I write notes
11 . It is more difficult to understand English when I am tired
12 . I imagine what people will say before I participate in a meeting/conf call etc.
13 . I get frustrated if I don’t understand a lot
14 . On some days I understand quite a lot but on others only a little
15 . I listen to audio recordings of me speaking English
 • section 2 Language evaluation

To what extent do you AGREE or DISAGREE with the following statements:

I think English can be difficult to understand because...

    I totally agree                                  I totally disagree
1 . ...of its grammar
2 . ...of its vocabulary
3 . ...of its different accents and pronunciation
4 . ...people speak English fast
5 . ...it is more difficult than other languages
 • section 3 Different situations

In terms of understanding, which of the following situations do you find easiest or most difficult (please add your comments)?

    Very easy                                  Very difficult
1 . Telephone calls (1-to-1)
2 . Telephone conference calls (multiple participants)
3 . Video conference calls (multiple participants)
4 . Meetings
5 . Presentations
 • section 4 Your personal experience

(Se preferisci scrivere in italiano nelle seguenti sezioni – no problem!)
Please tell us about some specific real situations where you have found English relatively easy or relatively difficult to understand.

Situation 1

Situation 2

Situation 3

 • section 5 The sound of English

What is your impression of the sound of English (e.g. strange, horrible, beautiful, boring, monotonous, colourless, musical, flat, ...):

 • section 6 Objectives

If you imagine yourself in 6 months or one year from now (in terms of your listening ability), what would you like to be able to DO better? Please give at least 2 examples:

Objective 1

Objective 2

Objective 3

 • section 7 Other

Any other comments about your comprehension of English:



Thanks for your help!

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