Listening Professionally


Designed for

You already speak English well. You are reasonably confident, particularly when discussing work-related issues.
And then you find yourself in situations where your interlocutors – especially native speakers – seem to be incomprehensible!


“Living with Incomprehension” examines the reasons for this phenomenon. Contrary to common perceptions, it is not simply a question of grammatical complexity or vocabulary. The English language has specific phonological and other features that can render it difficult to understand. The course focuses on these issues and trains participants to develop strategies for self-improvement and confidence building in listening ability.


2 days (individual and team)

Typical contents

The course looks at theoretical issues, but above all focuses on examples of the types of language input that can lead to confusion. Simulations and in-class activities will enable learners not only to improve their comprehension skills, but also to become more aware and effective active communicators.